What to Expect When Purchasing a Home
What Can You Expect When Purchasing a Home?
Purchasing a home is most likely going to be one of the largest investments in your life and for a lot of people that can be a little scary.
Our team has served hundreds of buyers over the years, and we'd love to help you too.
First, we will make sure that you are connected with a great lender that will help get the job done. You'll find out what types of loans you can qualify for and what the full payment will be which includes the payment, interest, taxes and insurance. Once you're fully approved, the fun starts - we get to go house hunting!
With a buyer's agency agreement in place, we can use our expertise to offer you advice or our opinion on anything that could possibly be problematic with the area or home that could affect the value later on.
Once you've fallen in love with a home, we will work with you to negotiate an offer that you are excited about. In today's market that can be a challenge, but don't worry, we've got lots of ideas that will help you stand out from the crowd.
After you get an accepted offer, the job's not done yet. We will work together to get earnest money paid, inspections scheduled and negotiated and communicate frequently with your lender to make sure all things related to financing stay on track. We are diligent about making sure we don't miss any contractual deadlines so that we keep things moving as smoothly as possible.
There are so many parts to a transaction; we could be here for hours covering all the bases. Instead, just give us a call; we'll walk you through the process step by step to ensure we're making the best decisions each step of the way until we hand you the keys to your new home. And don't forget, the seller typically pays the broker fees, so it doesn't cost you anything to utilize our services!
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