Looking for a Realtor to Help With Your Relocation?
Looking for a Realtor Referral to Help with your Relocation?
I used to be a huge planner. I mean, I still am; I still kid myself that I have control over my life and what happens. But I used to be a lot worse. I had everything planned out. I knew I was going to be a head football coach and athletic director in a small school and be one of those people that's in the position for 50 years. I was going to be Joe Paterno of some small school without all the scandalous stuff. I knew what parenthood was going to be like. I knew how I was going to be as a husband. I had every avenue of my life planned out and I really thought I knew it all.
But see, the thing is, time and time again, I've been reminded that I don't have as much control as I think I do. See, we're all thrown curve balls in life, or opportunities that are presented as roadblocks or obstacles; often it's these curve balls or opportunities or roadblocks that lead us to uprooting and moving to a new home or a new city or maybe even a new state, and that can be really intimidating. The stress of your life change is taxing enough but when you add the burden of a relocation in the mix, that can be really overwhelming.
I want you to know that I hear you, I see you, I understand you, I get you, I've been you and don't worry, I've got your back. We know the questions that are going through your head: How do you make sure that you land in the right area? What neighborhood should you get to? If you have kids, what school district should you be looking to put them in? What don't you know that you should know about the community that you're moving to? Is it a right cultural fit for your lifestyle? And who can help you get settled in your new location?
These are legit questions and concerns and I want to let you know that I can help. I am personally connected with amazing realtors from Jersey to LA and everywhere in between. I want you to know that I would love to be part of your new adventure by connecting you with one of these amazing agents who will take great care of you wherever you're going, just like our team would for you right here at home.
If life has you on the move, let's connect and talk through your goals. I'm confident that I can connect you with an amazing realtor wherever you're planning to go. Moving can be stressful but we are here to remove those burdens from your life, whether you're moving across the street or across the country.
You can connect with me at theminterteam.com/contact or message us on social. To stay up to date with the latest tips, tricks and real estate news make sure you follow us on all our social media channels. Let's connect soon.
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