First Step in Buying a Home
First Step in Purchasing a Home
Are you thinking about buying a home in Dane County and don't know where to start?
Before doing anything else, you need to know what you can afford.
Getting approved for a loan is essential when looking to purchase a home. You'll want to understand the cost associated with becoming a new homeowner and qualifying for a loan.
Your very first step when buying a home in Dane County is meeting with a mortgage lender to get pre-approved. This is not the same as filling out something online and getting a suggested number back - a full pre-approval will dig deeper with a local lender and help you compete in today's market.
Don't make the same mistake many others do; they go house shopping prior to mortgage shopping. There are things that you have to consider before looking at homes such as: knowing how much down payment you'll need, what closing costs will be associated with getting the loan, the costs for inspections and any other expense that may arise with your loan.
Our team is highly trained and would love to help you with the sale of your home. We'll refer you to one of our trusted mortgage professionals so that you can be on your way to becoming a new homeowner. If you're ready to start the home buying process, give us a call!
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